In my experience as a developer, many web design trends come and go. As quick as they rear their head they vanish into thin air without a trace. If you were around during the Web 2.0 phase of web design and development you know of the change from extremely bland websites to the conscious brand attempting to capture the audience with interactive content. Remember flash websites and the cliche’s sites with music. Those are so far gone. Would you be excited to learn that WordPress also existed at that time. It has gone under a couple of different names and has evolved in the same way the internet has.
Did you know that is NOT just a blogging platform? That ship sailed YEARS ago when many business owners decided to use WordPress not only as a blogging platform but as a content management system. Did you know there are other content management systems that WordPress has pushed to the back by making itself the go-to platform for many web developers??
With the focus so heavily weighed on blogging and content creation, it is no wonder that WordPress stands to gain a huge following.
There are some major brands that take advantage of WordPress. CNN’s blogs are built on WordPress, as are Reuters’, The Wall Street Journal, and Forbes. Mashable, The Next Web, and The New Yorker are also all built on WordPress. That goes to show how much of an asset WordPress is not only to content publishers but the media as well.
My reason for using WordPress is the ease of use alone. Did you know that the WPD Media lead time from inquiry to site launch is less than 2 weeks AND If the prospective client has their content together a website can be completed in less than 48 HOURS!!!
Why not get started with WordPress today! Reach out to us for a consultation and we will guide you towards that finish line.