We Are What We Repeatedly Do

September 3, 2017

“We Are What We Repeatedly Do” ~Aristotle

This quote stood out to me this morning as I prepared for my Sunday.  My Sunday’s consist of planning for the coming week and reflecting on weeks past.  One important thing that stands out is how habits form and this quote drives home the thought that habits make a better man when habits reflect self-progression.

It is only human nature that we want to move forward and advance ourselves.  Just think of the pace of the world just 100 years ago and fast forward to today where we can nearly have anything our hearts desire in an instant.

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Shiny object syndrome is certainly a way to take you out of your habit and into a black hole of I love this, wouldn’t it be cool if I could, OR even I have time to do….yeah we all have been there but with concrete habits comes focus, productivity, and accomplishment.

What accomplishments do you hope to accomplish during the month of September?  Where do you see yourself on October 1st? Do you have business goals and personal ones?  I know for me, one of my goals is to develop better writing habits so that I can blog with efficiency.  My second goal is to try to work out before I find myself at my desk. What are some ways you try to avoid shiny object syndrome?

Feel free to share with me your goals and ways you stay on task.




WPD Media

WPD Media

Chanel is a self-taught web developer who later went on to get a degree in web design and marketing. Coding caught her attention in 1998 while initially navigating the web trying to make money as a SAHM. In 2004, a major discovery, Photoshop and its ability to be easily used to merge web and graphic design to craft beautiful websites. It is her goal that encompasses the company's slogan "Creatively Designing Your Web Presence" that allows her to continue to pursue her love of creating beauty for the web along with bringing visual branding to life.

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