Happy Data Privacy Day

January 28, 2021
Regulation 3246979 1280

Happy Data Privacy Day

As a business owner, we are striving to drive as much traffic as we can to our websites. At the same time, we want to make sure we are cautious of how data is used when our visitors come to our website. Today we celebrate Data Privacy Day and here’s why this day is important.

WPD Media is participating in Data Privacy Day and I am sharing one of my most valuable resources you can use to protect your business and make sure that your visitors have control over their privacy along with knowing how their information is used.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”What is Data Privacy?? Learn more by visiting https://app.termageddon.com?fp_ref=wpdmedia” quote=”Data Privacy Day is an international event created to raise awareness around data privacy and protection.”]
Data Privacy Day is an international event created to raise awareness around data privacy and protection. The importance of this day is to bring attention to how your information is used and protected and what rights you have depending on where you live or in business cases who you serve.

What can I do to protect my business and my visitor’s online privacy?
Become familiar with the risks and how to avoid them. Let your visitors know upfront your policies and how you use their information. Whether you use Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, or any other software to track your visitors this data can be used in malicious ways and it is best to protect your visitors along with your business by knowing your rights and what’s allowed and not allowed.

Let me tell you about my friends over at Termageddon.

Termageddon is a generator of policies for websites and applications. When the law changes, so do the policies, keeping your company protected and allowing you to focus on more important things.

There is no time better than right this second than to get your privacy policies in place. Take a moment RIGHT NOW and visit my friends over at TERMAGEDDON!! You can get started TODAY on protecting your business and your visitors.

Don’t just take my word for it. Learn why Data Privacy is so important.

Why Use Policies

Happy Data Protection Day!! Get started TODAY!!! Visit TERMAGEDDON!

WPD Media

WPD Media

Chanel is a self-taught web developer who later went on to get a degree in web design and marketing. Coding caught her attention in 1998 while initially navigating the web trying to make money as a SAHM. In 2004, a major discovery, Photoshop and its ability to be easily used to merge web and graphic design to craft beautiful websites. It is her goal that encompasses the company's slogan "Creatively Designing Your Web Presence" that allows her to continue to pursue her love of creating beauty for the web along with bringing visual branding to life.

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